Digital tools for patients and carers

Since 2009 the Swedish based company NADIO has created digital tools that provide knowledge and hope for individuals whose lives are affected by illness. Our unique digital services enables organizations to bring on-line support for patients and carers.

Alzheimer´s guide

The world’s first digital platform providing Alzheimer patients with quality assured information and experiences from others after the diagnosis.

The aim of the Alzheimer´s guide is to give recently diagnosed persons information and experiences from other patients, so that they can live as well as possible, for as long as possible.

The content of the guide
Via the Alzheimer´s guide recently diagnosed people can take part of:
  • Experiences – learning trough other people's stories and tips
  • Cognitive school – A Silvia Doctors filmed patient education provides knowledge and understanding of Alzheimer´s disease
  • Health & Lifestyle - research based advice on diet, exercise, stress management
  • Community services - information about where to get support and help
  • Finance, law & technology - advice on how to plan for the future and make everyday life easier
  • Relationships –advice about family life and how to talk to friends and family about the disease.

A Co-working process from needs to user friendly design
To find out about the needs for information and support after a diagnosis, we conducted surveys (N53) and focus groups (N 9). During the whole development a working-group with four patients has been active.

The Alzheimer´s guide has been developed with patients, carers, representatives from patient- and caregiver organizations, researchers, different professions - Medical doctors, Nurses, Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Silvia Nurses and Counselors. Over 400 people has been sharing their experiences and expertise to create both content and design of the digital platform. The work has been financed by NADIO that owns the platform.

The need for information depends on different factors, for instance a married woman in her 50s living with her children, have a different need of information then a single man in his 80s. Therefore, the platform has the possibility to give personalized information. The design was developed in close collaboration with a test group of patients. The platform can be reached through the digital tool that the user prefers, mobiles, tablets, and computers. The platform is internationalized and has support for other languages.

Dementia guide

The unique automatic guide keeps the carer up to date on WHAT to do and WHERE to go for support during a loved one’s journey with dementia.

The aim of “Demenslotsen” is to provide the carers with guidance and information that they need for the moment, and with foresight to prepare for what comes next. I the film above you can learn more about how the digital service automatically pushes out the right information at the right time to carers.

Demenslotsen is a collaboration between En Bra Plats and the Municipality of Helsingborg. It was developed on the foundation of research about family caregiving (
more info) and tested together with carers, a network for dementia nurses in the southern part of Sweden and a primary care network. Together, they have analysed where along the journey of dementia it is important to receive information and how soon the next information should automatically be sent out from the system.

Demenslotsen was launched 2018 and today it can be found as a webservice in 25 Swedish municipalities. The platform is internationalized and has support for other languages.

En bra Plats - A Good Place

Carers has various needs - for information and training, for support and the need to exchange thoughts and feelings with those that are in the same situation. En Bra Plats was co-founded in 2009 by an informal carer, and was designed as a tool for public organisations to cater for the various needs of carers.

The e-service En Bra plats enables public organisations to provide carers with online:
  • Information
  • Counselling
  • A Social network of other informal carers

”En Bra plats” social network in Sweden consists of carers between the age of 16 - 90+ with over 180 diagnosis. The carers can network anonymously, only gender and age are shown. The platform has a matchmaking function and they can communicate one-to-one, in regional or national groups. The platform also makes it possible for professionals to provide on-line counselling and support.

En Bra Plats is now (2023) in version 11. The development over the years has been driven by user feed-back and in close collaboration with the professionals that work with the digital service. Today En bra plats is used by 30 Swedish municipalities to provide on-line support.

For more information please don´t hesitate to contact us

Why we do what we do

We are social entrepreneurs trying to change how organizations provide support for patients and carers. Therefore, we create digital tools knowledge and hope for individuals whose lives are affected by illness. Our company, named NADIO, was founded in 2008. Our CO-founder Maria Cavalli’s father was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s at the age of 50 years old. Our first digital service, En Bra Plats (2009), was built on the needs that Maria, and many other carers, have. The need of being informed about the illness, to get professional support and counseling and the need to connect with other carers to share feelings and experiences.


NADIO stands for Need, Ask, Develop, Implement and Organize. Our digital services and are based on the needs of the users. The CO-creation process is important. The process builds engagement, better content, and user-friendly design. We provide our customers with training on how to work with the digital tools and how to implement in the organization. We also provide the public organization with marketing material for carers and patients. We will happily give you with references from Swedish Health Care and Municipalities.


We have been a part of different projects, for instance EuroCarers project CARE4DEM, developing online support for caregivers:

At the moment we are a part of EDAP -“Early diagnostics and prognostics of Alzheimer’s disease: approaches in municipality, primary health care, specialized care and industry” funded by Lund´s University.

For more information, please don´t hesitate to contact CO-Founder Maria Cavalli via LinkedIn or
Nadio Scandinavia AB   Bruksgatan 36 Z, 26339 Höganäs